Cedars of Lebanon Becharri Grove
The grove of cedars in Bcherri is majestic and contains
the oldest Cedar
of Lebanon Trees known
to man.
Bcherri is in Northern Lebanon

Bcherri Cedar Grove from above, showing the town
of Bcherri in the sbackground and the mountain in the far distance
Looking from the other direction, the cedar grove
with the mountain behind it, protecting the grove

Old Cedar of Lebanon tree at the entrance of the grove in Becharri
while shops are buzzing with tourists and the snow-capped mountain beyond
Another photo of Old Cedar of Lebanon tree at
the entrance of the grove in Becharri
during the off-season
Younger cedar trees have been planted in the
Bcherri cedar area. The cedar tree is slow-growing
Eastern side of the Bcherri cedar grove contains
the younger trees

Bcherri cedars, and the enduring Mount Lebanon

Cedar of Lebanon

Cedar of Lebanon

Cedar of Lebanon

Cedar of Lebanon

Cedar of Lebanon

Cedar of Lebanon

Cedar of Lebanon

Cedar of Lebanon

Cedar of Lebanon in the snow

Cedar of Lebanon

Cedar of Lebanon shrouded in fog

Cedar of Lebanon above rthe clouds

Cedar of Lebanon - majestic

Cedar of Lebanon - lives for many many years

Cedar of Lebanon - Tourists and visitors come to Lebanon

Cedars of Lebanon

Bloom in the snow in the Cedars of Lebanon forest

Cones from the Cedars of Lebanon
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