Browse our website with confidence. We take your
privacy seriously. is committed to your privacy. You can visit our website
without fear of compromising your safety.
At times, when you visit our web site(s),
we may ask for information in order to deliver
the goods
you order. We do not share your name, address,
or email address with other parties other
than for the purpose of delivering the product
to you. We do not sell your information to
any third party. Our shopping cart page is
hosted on a secure site, as evidenced by
the "s" that
appears in the url address after "http". Our credit card
processor receives your information for the
purpose of charging your credit card and
remitting payment to us. If you send information
such as articles or photos to us, you are
affirming that you grant us the irrevocable
right to publish the material on the web
and to share the material in any way we deem
useful. You also agree to hold us harmless
regarding our intent to publish your contribution
on the web or use it in other ways and
means. We pledge to use
the material for peaceful purposes and not
to incite any hatred, racism, or violence
but rather to increase understanding and
cooperation between nations.
In plain English: We respect your privacy. No adware. No malware. No malicious software.