Sistine Chapel Photos - Vatican
The Sistine Chapel has beautiful Architecture

Sistine Chapel ceiling

Sistine Chapel

Sistine Chapel

Sistine chapel

Sistine Chapel

From the outside

Sistine Chapel Photo - Vatican - 1

Sistine Chapel Photo - Vatican - 2

Sistine Chapel Photo - Vatican - 3

Sistine Chapel Photo - Vatican - 4

Sistine Chapel Photo - Vatican - 5
The chimney connected to the stove used to burn ballot papers
during the upcoming Vatican conclave reaches the ceiling of the Sistine
Chapel at the Vatican, Saturday, April 16, 2005. Starting Monday, April
18, 115 Cardinals from all over the world will hold closed-door meetings
in the Sistine Chapel, decorated by Michelangelo's Last Judgment, in background,
to elect the next head of the Roman Catholic Church

Sistine Chapel Photo - Vatican - 6
Doors open to the Sistine Chapel

Sistine Chapel Photo - Vatican - 7
Doors open to the Sistine Chapel

Pope John Paul II celebrates a Mass April 8, 1994
at the end of 14 years of restoration work on
frescoes on the alter wall and ceiling
of the Sistine Chapel at the Vatican
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