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Baklava is a popular sweet pastry in Middle Eastern, Persian, Arab, Turkish, Greek, and Albanian cuisines. It consists of ground and finely chopped walnuts or pistachios between sheets of phyllo (filo) pastry, soaked in a sugary solution which is made mostly of sugar and may contain either lemon juice or honey and spices with or without rosewater.
Baklava is cut in various ways; either diamond shaped, small squares,
or rolled and cut into circular slices. As with any food, there are
regional variations in the recipe with the most common differences
being the syrup recipe and whether or not it contains honey.
Many think that Greeks originated this dessert, but it is thought
that Assyrians originated in the 8th century B.C. Greek soldiers and
seamen brought
the recipe to Athens. The Greeks' major contribution
to the development of this pastry is the creation of a dough technique
that made it possible
to roll it as thin as a leaf, compared to
the rough, bread-like texture of the Assyrian dough. In fact, the
name "Phyllo" was coined by Greeks, which means "leaf" in the Greek language.
To make Baklava, layer the paper thin sheets
of phyllo (filo) dough and butter them one
at a time. Lay the sheets in a rectangular
baking dish. Add the nut filling. Continue
to layer the dough, cut and bake. Add syrup
right after removing fromt he oven.
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