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groups claim Baklava as their own. However, a check of the history of baklava yields
surprising results. It is widely believed that it is of Assyrian origin.
approximately the 8th century B.C., Assyrians baked thin layers of dough
with nuts, poured honey over it, and enjoyed this sumptuous
Baklava was baked only on special occasions, usually by the
rich who could afford such a luxury.
The history of Baklava changed with the history of
the land. The Near and Middle East saw many civilizations come and go.
Baklava and the recipe had spread to the Near East, Armenia, and
Turkey. With the advent of the Grecian Empire, it spread westward to
Greece. Phyllo dough is named after the greek word for "leaf", being "as
thin as a leaf". The thickness (or for that matter, the thinness) of
Phyllo gives baklava is delicious crispy taste. So, when
you eat a piece of baklava, you may want to think of Greece. However, the
history of baklava reveals it came from farther East... Even so,
various countries offer tasty variations and have loyal followings.
The history of Baklava - as colorful as the History of
the lands of the Mediterranean and the Middle East.
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