Lebanon Photos - Page 14

Lebanon Photos Page 14
Baalbeck, Temple of Bacchus, Temple of Jupiter, Megalith

Location of Baalbeck on Lebanon's map

This page contains mostly photos of the six columns of the temple of Jupiter
There are many more high-quality photos of Baalbeck on pages 50 and 51. See bottom of page

Temple of Jupiter, Baalbeck, Lebanon. Evening view

View ofthe temples at Baalbeck, with the snow-capped Mount Lebanon range in the background
Baalbeck is a city in eastern lebanon in the Bekaa valley

Temple of Jupiter, Baalbeck, Lebanon. Massive stones support the base

Temple of Jupiter, Baalbeck, Lebanon.

Temple of Jupiter, Baalbeck, Lebanon.

Temple of Jupiter, Baalbeck, Lebanon.

Temple of Jupiter, Baalbeck, Lebanon. The temple of Bacchus can be seen behind


Temple of Jupiter, Baalbeck, Lebanon.

Temple of Jupiter, Baalbeck, Lebanon.

Temple of Jupiter, Baalbeck, Lebanon.

Temple of Jupiter, Baalbeck, Lebanon. The man standing at the base gives an idea of the height of the structure

Lion head seen in front of the columns of the temple of Jupiter, Baalbeck, Lebanon.

Columns of Temple of Jupiter, Baalbeck, Lebanon are seen in fromt of the temple of Bacchus..

Temple of Jupiter, Baalbeck, Lebanon. To get an idea of the height, look for the man at the base of the column

See 48 more photos of Baalbeck   -   go to Baalbeck page 1   or   Baalbeck page 2

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