Lebanon Photos - Lebanese Food
Page 76
This page contains photos of the Lebanese Food and Cooking
See bottom of page for many links to hundreds of photos and information
about Lebanon. See also the index for a listing of photo topics

Pepsi & Ketchup, in Lebanon

Megli - Lebanese Fine Food

Chicken Mishwi - Lebanese Fine Food

Butcher shoip - Lebanese Fine Food :-) :-)
At least it is fresh

Some say Yuck, but some Lebanese consider the head a delicacy
Fine Food

Typical Fruit & Vegatable stand

Here are the heads again... close your eyes if you are squeamish

Lebanese Fine Food

This is not food, but an accompaniment for many Lebanese
Someday, we will learn that smoking kills :-) :-)

Here is second had smoke, but no one complains

Perfect loaf of bread - Lebanese Fine Food

There's the butcher

Let's have a Coca Cola and a sandwiche at the beach - Lebanese Fine

A CocaCola bottle in Lebanon

The back side

The water pot is how Lebanese drink, and they pass it to one another
Ma tmuss (don't put your mouth to it)... but rather lift it high
and pour it into your mouth like a slick bartender
The coffee is thicker than Espresso... grows hair on your chest

Here comes a nice Coffee vendor - Lebanese Fine Food

Here is a street vendor selling corn

He makes a living selling fine Lebanese Food
What an entrepreneur!

Let me have a pot of coffe before going back to work
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