Lebanese Recipes - Page 3
Lebanese and Middle Eastern food is wholesome, healthy,
and good for you. Made with lots of fresh vegetables and whole grains,
you can taste the
earth's goodness in every bite. As the Lebanese people immigrated over
the centuries, they brought these tasty recipes to east and west,
to Europe, Latin America, the United States, and
to various parts of the world. Enjoy, and Bon Apetit.
Preserved Spiced Mutton
This is definitely a Lebanese traditional recipe.
Qawwrama is a heavily fatted, spiced preserved meat which is well known
in the traditional Lebanese diet. Similar preservation
of sheep or mutton is carried out in other Arab countries. It
becomes very important
for it will keep at least through one winter and often into a second
It forms the basis for winter stews, and can be combined
with rice or burghul (cracked wheat) as stuffing for various
kinds of mahshie or it can be boiled
with kishk to make a robust winter porridge. Qawwrama adds
flavor and nutrition to fried eggs and it is also relished
by many as a spread for
The day set aside each Fall in a Lebanese village for
making qawwarma is one of community feasting and festivity.
A sheep which has been force-fed
and fattened all summer is slaughtered and the women set to
work stripping the fat from the carcass and melting it
down in a
large copper
pan called
a dist. Next the lean meat is cubed, heavily seasoned with
salt and pepper and then fried in the hot fat until well
cooked. The fried
meat is packed
into jars and the fat is poured in around it before the jars
are sealed. (The old method of sealing the jars with clay is
still used in many places.)
The best meat goes into the qawwrama but much that
is edible and flavorful remains on the carcass to form the
basis of the day's feasting. One dish that is particularly
relished by all the friends
who have been invited for this occasion is kroush mahshieh.
It is prepared by stuffing the sheep's intestines with a
well seasoned mixture
of bits
of meat, rice, chickpeas and onions.
A delicacy called ghammeh is prepared from the
sheep's stomach. The stomach is cleaned well with salt, soap
and water. It is rinsed and finally rubbed with flour and
rinsed again several
times. The stomach is
cut into small squares which are wrapped around a seasoned meat
and rice mixture and cooked.
Fatteh. Another
popular dish at this feast is put together in a deep dish.
A layer of small pieces of toasted
bread is spread in the bottom of the dish. Over that is laid
the meat and broth
mixed with crushed garlic, then laban (yoghurt), melted
samneh (ghee), crushed dried mint and roasted pine nuts.
This is a flavorful dish.
Hreesi. The sheep's bones lend
their flavor to a famous Lebanese dish known as hreesi which
is traditionally served
at the feast marking Assumption Day ('Id es Saidi) in
August, but which
is enjoyed any time of year when a sheep is slaughtered.
The bones are cooked with large pieces of meat to make
a broth. Whole wheat
which has been sprinkled with water and then crushed slightly
in a mortar is boiled in the broth for many hours until
the whole is
the consistency of cooked oatmeal. Hreesi is aptly named,
for the word means "well cooked".
Broiled Liver
Lebanese Recipe: Cut raw
lamb or beef liver into squares and thread onto a skewer with
its own fat. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Broil.
Eat with anything but laban, say the Lebanese, for the two are
not compatible.
Broiled Liver with Garlic
Lebanese Recipe: Crush several
garlic cloves with salt. Spread this paste over squares of liver.
Sprinkle with olive oil, salt, pepper and
one teaspoon dried mint. Let stand for 30 minutes. Spear on
skewers and broil. Or, pan-fry the
liver in butter or other fat. Squeeze a little huice over the liver
when serving.
Stuffed Baby Lamb
Lebanese Recipe
1 16-20 Ibs. spring lamb
4 cups ground lamb
5 cups rice, washed and drained
2 cups mixed pistachio, pine nuts and almonds
1 1/4 tsp. black pepper
2 Tbsp. salt (or to taste)
3 cups samneh (or other shortening)
The question of which is better, the meat or the stuffing,
has yet to be decided in this case, for both are delicious.
Blanch almonds and pistachios. Slip off their
skins. Fry ground meat in smoking hot samneh until no longer
pink. Add all the nuts
and fry with meat until toasted.
Add rice, salt, pepper and water. Stir gently. Cover and cook over low fire
until rice is tender and water is absorbed. Meanwhile, prepare lamb by rubbing
it inside
and out with salt and pepper. Correct the seasoning of stuffing and when
it is cool, stuff the lamb with it. Sew the opening with heavy
thread. Tie feet
in pairs. Boil the stuffed lamb in a large kettle with enough water to cover
well. Skim.
When done, the meat will feel soft and tender when pressed
between the fingers. This will take several hours. Remove lamb from
water and place in a large
roasting pan. Coat with samneh or butter and laban for a nice glaze. Roast
in moderate
oven until nicely browned, basting frequently with its own broth. Serve
on a large platter garnishing with parsley. Pass laban and gravy made
with the
drippings, thickened with flour and water. Fresh salad and vegetables cooked
in oil are usually served with qouzi.
Stuffed Neck of Lamb
Lebanese Recipe
1 neck of lamb
1 1/2 cups ground beef or lamb
3/4 cup rice
1 1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. pepper
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 cup chopped tomato (optional)
1/2 cup pine nuts
1 small cinnamon stick
1/4 cup chopped parsley
3 cups water
Have butcher slit the lamb's neck so
that it can be stuffed. Wash and drain rice. Mix together well
the chopped meat, rice,
seasonings, pine nuts and chopped tomato. Bind with half cup
water. Stuff mixture
into neck cavity and sew up with heavy thread. Place in pan with
enough salted water to cover. Bring to boil and skim. The meat
may now be placed
in the pressure cooker with three cups of water and cooked under
pressure for 45 minutes, or it may be stewed gently for several
hours in the kettle.
When tender, remove meal from broth. Cook an additional half
cup rice in the broth to make a soup to be served as a first
course. Spread the boiled meat with samneh and brown in a moderate
oven. Slice and arrange
on a serving platter. Serve with a side dish of laban. The rice
soup will be served before the meat, with chopped parsley and
cinnamon sprinkled
over it. The stuffing may be removed from the neck and served
The raqbeh could be served either way : -
1) Only stuffed and boiled is the Lebanese way and served
with the soup, or
2) Boiled and browned in the Syrian way.
Roast Stuffed Kid (Baby Lamb)
Saudi Arabian Recipe
1 15 lb. kid or baby lamb
4 cups cooked rice
2 cups chopped pistachio nuts
1/2 cup chopped almonds
1 1/2 cups sultana raisins
1 cup ghee or clarified butter
2 cups sliced onions
3 1/2 tsp. salt
2 Tbsp. kizbara (coriander)
tsp. coarsely ground pepper
1 tsp. candied ginger, ground
Stuffed kid or baby lamb or sheep is so typical of Saudi Arabian
food that no feast, whether a royal affair or a family gathering,
will be without it. The meat, surrounded by masses of rice and garnished
hard boiled eggs, is presented to the gathering on a huge tray.
The following recipe is adapted to modern cooking devices.
It might be cooked most successfully at an outdoor barbecue, although
with careful attention and constant basting, the meat can be
roasted in the oven. The seasonings which are listed are authentic
all must be used to achieve the correct flavor.
Have butcher prepare kid (baby lamb) for
roasting. Rinse inside and out. Wipe dry. Rub carcass both
inside and out with mixture of 1/2 a
cup of the onions and the seasonings. Mix rice with nuts, raisins,
1 1/2 cups
onions, and stuff the animal. Sew the opening. Put the stuffed
kid in a large pan. Pour melted fat over it and roast in a slow
oven until meat
is very tender and outside well browned. Baste frequently with
pan drippings. Or, roast outdoors on a rotisserie over charcoal
for best flavor.
you to everyone who contributed
recipes and photos in the past
years to help us share Lebanon's
beauty with the world and to help
perpetuate the Lebanese culture
across the globe. Thank you especially to Aunt Maheeba's
friend (sorry I forgot her name) who was originally from
Saghbine (Lebanon) but who lived in Brooklyn and gave
me many of these authentic recipes
that she had saved from the old
country. She shared them with
all the young Lebanese wives
who grew up here in the United
States and did not have access
to authnetic Lebanese recipes
or training in Lebanese cooking
"the right way". May she rest in peace.
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