Authentic Lebanese Recipes - Page 4
Chicken & Fowl
Little Birds
Authentic Lebanese Recipe: Restaurants in the mountain resort towns of Lebanon
specialize in these crisply roasted little larks. They are often
served as
meza with Arab bread and araq.
To prepare the birds, pull feathers, cut off beaks and legs
and draw. Rub the outside with salt and pepper. Tuck the bird's
head into its
stomach cavity. Thread several birds together onto a skewer and
broil over charcoal. Serve very hot.
The birds may be pan-fried in samneh or butter. Clean
as above, rub with salt, pepper and lemon juice, and fry in one-half
of hot fat.

Turkish Recipe:
1 4-lb. chicken
2 cups shelled walnuts
3 slices white bread
1 onion
1 carrot
1 bunch parsley
1 tsp.
1 Tbsp. paprika
1/2 tsp. pepper
3 qts. water
Here is a famous Turkish cold chicken speciality which would
rate a place of honor at any buffet supper. It features a spiced
sauce of ground walnuts.
Stew chicken gently in covered pot with water, carrot, onion,
parsley, salt and pepper for two hours, or until very tender.
Skim. You may use the pressure cooker, in which case reduce
the water to one quart
and shorten the cooking time to 30 minutes under pressure.
Let chicken cool in broth. Reserve the stock. Take meat from
bones, discarding skin.
Dice the meat, or leave it in individual pieces for serving.
Prepare sauce by grinding walnuts twice
through the fine blade of the meat grinder. Add paprika to the walnuts
press this in a fine cheesecloth to extract the red oil
which will be
used later
to garnish
the dish. Soak bread in chicken stock, squeeze dry and
combine with walnuts. Grind three times through the blade
of meat grinder, or buzz in the electric
blender, slowly adding one cup chicken stock to make a
To serve, place the diced or sliced chicken on a serving
plattet and spread it with
the walnut paste. Sprinkle it with the walnut oil. Some
cooks mix the diced chicken with half the walnut paste,
reserving the other half to
spread on top. Serve this dish cold.
Pigeons in Wine Sauce
Authentic Lebanese Recipe: Allow one pigeon for each person. Pluck
feathers and clean the birds. Heat several tablespoons of shortening
in a skillet and brown the
pigeons in it, turning frequently. Transfer birds to a second skilled
while preparing the sauce. In the same fat, brown several minced
onions and carrots,
a sliced leek and the chopped livers of the birds. Slowly add one-half
cup each of white wine and water. Season to taste with salt and
pepper. Simmer
for half an hour, or cook under pressure for 12 minutes. Press
sauce through a colander or food mill. Return the sauce to the
cooking pan along with
the browned pigeons. Simmer in a covered pan until tender {about
45 minutes) or cook under pressure for 20 minutes. Cut each bird
in half and place in
a shallow roasting pan in a moderate oven for five minutes to dry
out. To serve, place each pigeon half on a round of toast and
pass the sauce in
a separate bowl.
Broiled Chicken a la Zahle
Authentic Lebanese Recipe: Zahle,
the mountain village overlooking the Bekaa' Valley in Lebanon,
is famous for its wine,
araq and
this savory broiled chicken served in the
terrace cafes by the riverbank. In these outdoor cafes the chicken
is broiled to order over charcoal. This is a good dish for an
outdoor barbecue, although
it also may be successfully prepared in an oven broiler.
For two persons, clean and split in half a tender broiling
chicken. Wipe dry. Crush several garlic cloves and mash
together with one teaspoon
salt, the juice of half a lemon and one half cup of olive oil.
Put aside 1/4 of a cup of this sauce. Marinate chicken
in rest of sauce for several
hours. Broil over charcoal or in a hot oven, basting frequently with the
marinade while broiling and sprinkling with additional salt.
Serve hot with reserved sauce.
Stuffed Turkey
Authentic Lebanese Recipe
1 12-lb. turkey
4 cups ground meat
2 cups rice
1/2 cup pine nuts
1/2 cup blanched almonds
1/2 cup pistachio
2 tsp. salt
1 tsp. pepper
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1 cup water
1 cup samneh (or other shortening)
Lebanese stuffed turkey is stewed until tender instead of
baked in the oven. This method of cooking produces a very tender,
moist turkey
which is highly flavored with the seasonings of the stuffing.
Fry meat in fat until brown, then mix with rest of ingredients
and simmer in one cup of water for 15 minutes. Stuff body
cavity of turkey with mixture. Remove neck bone and stuff the neck
skin also.
Sew openings
tightly closed with heavy thread. Place bird in a large kettle.
Add water to barely cover, two teaspoons salt (or to taste)
and bring to boil. Skim.
Cover and simmer gently until meat is tender. Lift the turkey
carefully from the kettle and place in shallow roasting pan.
Coat with laban, samneh,
butter or other shortening. Place in hot oven to brown the
outside. Slice meat onto a serving platter and heap the rice
stuffing in the center of
the platter.
Lebanese Chicken Pilaf
Authentic Lebanese Recipe: Place
a stewing chicken in enough water to cover. Bring to boil.
Skim. Season water with salt, pepper and a cinnamon stick
and simmer chicken until meat comes easily from the bones.
Do not boil as this will toughen the meat. Cook in a pressure
cooker if desired. Remove
meat in large pieces from the bones. Reserve the stock. For
every 1 1/4 cups stock take one cup of rice which has been
soaked in hot water for
half an hour and fry gently in samneh or butter. Then boil
rice in chicken broth until tender. The broth will be absorbed.
Saute 1/2 cup blanched
almonds and 1/4 of a cup pine nuts in butter. Arrange nuts
in bottom of greased deep round dish or mold. Cover with
rice and press down gently.
Unmold onto serving platter. Garnish with whole pieces of chicken.
Serve hot with chicken gravy.
Chicken with Rice and Tomatoes
1 frying chicken
2 cups rice
1 cup samneh (or other shortening)
1l/2 cups ripe tomatoes,
1 Tbsp. tomato paste
1 cup water
1 1/2 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. pepper
1 stick cinnamon
Grated cheese
Authentic Lebanese Recipe: Soak
bulk rice in hot water for half an hour. (This is not
necessary with packaged, processed rice.) Cut chicken
into serving pieces and brown well in hot samneh.
Add tomatoes, tomato paste diluted in water, cinnamon
stick, salt and pepper. Cover and simmer until chicken
is tender or cook under
pressure for 20 minutes. Remove chicken and one-half
cup of sauce. Add drained rice to cooking pan, adding
water if necessary to make
2 1/2 cups of sauce. Cook rice until tender and
fluffy. Spoon rice onto serving dish and shape it with
spoon into a smooth, round
mould. Arrange chicken on rice. Sprinkle rice with
grated cheese. Serve with bowl of sauce.
Stuffed Chicken
1 4-lb. chicken
1 cup chopped meat (preferably lamb)
1 cup rice
1/2 cup chopped tomato
1/4 cup pine nuts
1/4 cup water
1 1/4 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. pepper
1/4 tsp. cinnamon
Authentic Lebanese Recipe:
Here is a delicious way to prepare a whole chicken
with a meat stuffing. This method uses the pressure
cooker. For open pan preparation, see the recipe
(below) for Shourabit Djaaj (stuffed
chicken soup).
Stuff body cavity of
chicken with mixture of ground meat, rice, nuts, water
and seasonings. Remove
neck bone and stuff neck skin also. Sew cavities
firmly closed. Place
stuffed chicken
in pressure cooker. Add 2 1/2 cups water and more
salt to taste. Bring to a boil and skim. Add stick
of cinnamon and cook under
pressure for 30 minutes. Lengthen cooking time
five or 10 minutes if chicken is old and add more
water. Serve this
dish hot.
Stuffed Chicken in Soup
Authentic Lebanese Recipe
1 tender 4-lb. chicken
3/4 cup rice
1/4 cup parsley, chopped
1 cup ground meat
1/2 cup rice
I tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. pepper
1/4 tsp. cinnamon
1/4 cup
pine nuts
1/2 cup water
1 small tomato, chopped (optional)
Shourabat ed djaaj is a Lebanese feast day speciality.
After the bird is stuffed it is stewed gently and the rich broth
which results makes the first course of the feast. In Lebanon
the chickens are carefully prepared for stuffing. They are washed
first with soapy water and scrubbed with a vegetable sponge
called a loufah. Next the soap is thoroughly rinsed off, the
body cavity of the bird is rubbed with flour to absorb any gamey
taste, and then the flour is rinsed away.
Prepare stuffing and
fill body and neck cavity of bird. Sew tightly closed
with heavy thread. Cover
chicken with slightly salted water and bring to
a boil. Skim. Place scalded
chicken in pressure cooker with 3 1/2 cups of
water, one teaspoon salt and a stick of cinnamon.
Cook at 15 pounds pressure for
30 minutes. (Older chickens may require up to 45
minutes under pressure). Remove chicken with a
little broth to oven-proof
pan and keep warm in slow oven while preparing the
soup. Add the3/4 cup of rice to the broth in the
pressure cooker and cook under pressure for eight
minutes. Open cooker, season and add more water if soup seems
too thick. Pour soup into serving bowls and sprinkle with parsley
and cinnamon when bringing to the table. Carve the chicken and
arrange the meat with mounds of stuffing on a serving platter.
Pass some of the reserved broth as a sauce. Complete the meal
with salad, cooked vegetables and laban.
Prepare this stuffed chicken in an open pan if
you like. Stuff the chicken as above and place
in a stewing kettle with water to cover. Add salt. Bring
to boil and skim.
Add cinnamon stick and simmer until chicken
is tender. Remove chicken and a cup of broth in which it
will be re-heated later.
To the broth in the pan add the rice and boil
until tender. Serve as above. Serves 8 persons.

Djaaj (Chicken)
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you to everyone who contributed
recipes and photos in the past
years to help us share Lebanon's
beauty with the world and to help
perpetuate the Lebanese culture
across the globe. Thank you especially to Aunt Maheeba's friend (sorry I
forgot her name) who was originally from Saghbine (Lebanon)
but who lived in Brooklyn and gave me many of these authentic
that she had saved from the old
country. She shared them with
all the young Lebanese wives
who grew up here in the United
States and did not have access
to authnetic Lebanese recipes
or training in Lebanese cooking
"the right way". May she rest in peace.
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