Authentic Lebanese Recipes - Page 8
Vegetable Dishes
Green Beans in Olive Oil
This is an Authentic Award-winning Lebanese Recipe
1 Ib. fresh green string beans
1/2 cup chopped onions
3/4 cup olive
2 medium sized tomatoes, chopped
2 whole heads garlic
1 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. pepper
These succulent beans are served tepid or cold and could be
prepared a day in advance.
Heat olive oil in pressure cooker. Fry in
it the chopped onions and whole garlic. When yellow, add beans,
salt and pepper,
and fry gently for 10 minutes stirring frequently. Add tomatoes
and one cup
water (substitute
1 1/2 cups fresh or canned tomato juice if desired). Cook
under pressure 10 minutes. Simmer uncovered to allow beans to
absorb sauce completely. Season to taste.
Cook without pressure if preferred. After vegetables are sauteed,
simmer in tomato juice until tender. Serves 4.
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Garlic Stuffed Eggplant (Turkish)
Turkish Recipe
20 very small cylindrical eggplants
1 cup olive oil
5 heads of garlic
1 1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. pepper
1/2 tsp. sugar
1/4 tsp. cinnamon
1 Tbsp. sour pomegranate paste, or 1 cup sour fresh pomegranate
1 tsp. tomato paste
1 cup water
Wash eggplants and cut off all but half
inch of stem. Do not remove hull. Partially peel in lengthwise
strips. Pierce each
with a sharply pointed knife in three places and insert a clove
of garlic in each incision. Deep fry in hot oil until
soft and brown. Lay side by
side in the pressure cooker. Add water, pomegranate juice,
salt, pepper, cinnamon and water. Cook for 12 minutes underpressure.
Open cooker. Adjust
seasonings and simmer until sauce is absorbed. Serve cold at
a buffet supper.
If you use these recipes, please
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with the world. Thank
Stuffed Tomatoes (Turkish)
Turkish Recipe
12 tomatoes
1 Ib. ground meat
1 onion, chopped
1/4 cup uncooked rice
1 tsp. chopped mint
1 tsp. chopped fresh dill
Salt and pepper
Prepare these a day ahead and allow flavors to mellow. They
are equally good for brunch, lunch or supper.
Remove a slice from the top of medium-sized
firm tomatoes. Do not peel but remove pulp and seeds carefully. Stuff
three-quarters full of
the following mixture:
Saute all ingredients lightly together in one-quarter cup of
butter. Stuff tomatoes and replace tops. Place carefully in
layers in saucepan. Add several tablespoons of butter and a cup of
water. Cover
closely and simmer on low fire for half an hour, ot until tomatoes
If you use these recipes, please
link to this website and help us share the Lebanese heritage with
the world. Thank you
Eggplant Cooked in Oil
Authentic Award-winning Lebanese Recipe
4 medium-sized round eggplant, or
12 small, long eggplant
12 small white onions
6 ripe tomatoes
6 cloves garlic
1 1/2 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. pepper
1 cup olive oil
1 cup water
This eggplant dish is served cold as an appetizer in Lebanon
in summer when eggplant is plentiful in the markets.
Prepare the round eggplant by peeling and slicing in one-inch
slices. Partially peel the long type of eggplant lengthwise to
give a striped effect. Do not remove hull. Fry eggplant in hot
oil until soft. Saute onions
in the oil and place them in the bottom of a heavy pan or casserole
that can be placed on the direct fire. Peel and slice tomatoes.
Arrange alternate
layers of fried eggplant and tomato slices on top of onions. Crush
garlic with salt and fry gently for a few minutes. Sprinkle over
Add pepper and water. Cook on top of stove over medium fire until
boiling well. Lower heat and simmer until sauce is reduced and
vegetables are very
tender. Thicken sauce with small amount of flour. Invert carefully
onto a round serving platter. Serve cold. If you use these recipes, please
link to this website and help us share the Lebanese heritage with
the world. Thank you
Stuffed Squash in Cheese Sauce
Prepare kousa qablama (see recipe). When the squash
is cooked, cover with one and a half cups medium white sauce and sprinkle
top with toasted bread crumbs and grated cheese. Reheat in the oven until
the cheese is melted.
Artichokes in Oil
12 artichokes
4 medium sized carrots
1/2 cup freshly shelled peas
12 spring onions
1 cup small broad beans
1 1/2 tsp. salt
1 tsp. sugar
1 cup lemon juice
1 tsp. flour
2 cups cold water
Highly recommended as something new for a buffet supper. Prepare
a day ahead so that the artichokes will be thoroughly chilled and
well seasoned with the sauce.
Wash artichokes in running water to remove dirt between leaves.
Cut off stems close to heads. Remove tough outside leaves. Separate
and push apart slightly to form a cup. Pull out the choke from
the center. Rub each artichoke all over with a cut lemon (to
prevent discoloration)
and place in a bowl of water sprinkled with several tablespoons
of flour.
Chop carrots finely. Trim onions,
leaving an inch or so of green top. Place peas, beans, carrots and
lastly the artichokes
pressure cooker. Add water. Cook under pressure 12 minutes.
Reduce pressure.
Add scallions and cook another three minutes under pressure.
Then simmer,
uncovered to reduce sauce. Arrange artichokes on a platter
and stuff them with the cooked vegetables. Thicken the sauce
flour and season
sharply with lemon juice, salt and sugar, and serve the sauce
in a separate dish.
Marrow Squash Stuffed with Meat
30 small marrow squash
2 1/2 cups minced lamb or beef
1 cup minced onion
1/2 cup pine nuts
2 cups fresh tomato juice, or
2 Tbsp. tomato paste in 2 cups water
1 cup samneh (or other shortening)
1 1/2
tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. pepper
1 cup water
Scrub squash well. Hollow from one end with an apple corer.
Fry onions in samneh until yellow. Add meat, pine nuts, salt,
and cinnamon and fry until meat is browned. Cool and stuff
squash with this mixture. Close the open end with a piece
of squash pulp.
Saute the squash in samneh until brown all over. Place in layers
on rack in pressure cooker. Add water and tomato juice. Cook
under pressure for 12 minutes. Reduce pressure; open cooker.
Simmer uncovered
until sauce is reduced and thickened. Season to taste. Serve
with oriental rice.
Squash may be cooked in an open pan on top of the stove. Allow
to simmer in the tomato sauce for 20 minutes. Serve hot in
the same pan in which it was cooked. This dish is considered
just as good
the second day. Burghul is sometimes cooked in the leftover
Deep Fried Vegetables
The Arabs, particularly the Lebanese, prefer fried rather than boiled vegetables. The frying is done in the local sweet olive oil.
Many kinds of vegetables are fried, including some
which are not usually prepared in this way, like tomatoes. Eggplant is a favorite. The big round eggplant are peeled and
cut into one-inch slices, prinkled with salt and allowed to
stand a half-hour before frying. The fried eggplant is eaten
hot or cold, often in combination with lentil dishes such as
mujaddarah, or with lahm mashwi or with kibbeh.
Marrow squash is not peeled before frying but is
simply sliced about a half inch thick. Cauliflowerets usually
are boiled until half-tender before frying although they may be placed
raw in
the hot fat. Taratour bi taheeni (sesame sauce) is the favorite
accompaniment for fried cauliflower.
Fried potatoes are common. Tomatoes are sliced thickly
before frying. Small white onions are deep fried, too. They are
peeled, but left with the tops on.
Okra in Oil
3 cups tender young okra (bamieh)
10 tiny white onions
3 medium sized tomatoes
1/2 cup lemon juice
1 tsp. dried kizbara, or 1/2 cup chopped green kizbara (coriander)
8 cloves garlic
1/2 cup cold water
1/2 tsp. sugar
1/2 tsp.
1/2 tsp. pepper
A colorful okra dish flavored
with garlic and coriander, (called kizbara), it is traditionally
served cold start a meal. Crush garlic with salt. Add
kizbara and crush all well together. Cut hard top stems
from okra. Wash well
and dry with clean towel, or in the sun. Fry in deep,
hot olive oil until tender but still green. Fry onions
in same oil until yellow.
Pour off most of the oil and fry the garlic-kizbara
mixture. Place rack in pressure cooker. Put in a layer
of sliced tomatoes and cover
neatly with okra. Make a depression in the center of
the okra and fill it with the onions. Sprinkle with lemon
juice and the garlic-kizbara
salt. Cook under pressure for 12 minutes. Reduce pressure.
Simmer uncovered until most of the liquid is absorbed.
Season to taste.
Turn out onto a round serving dish. Chill.
Eggplant Cream (Turkish)
3 medium sized eggplant (batinjaan)
6 Tbsp. flour
4 Tbsp. butter
1 Tbsp. lemon juice
Grated cheese
Salt and pepper
In Turkey this unusual eggplant dish is called Sultan's
Pleasure, for reasons which are obvious as soon as
one samples it. Particularly delicious with chicken. Grilling
the eggplants gives
the vegetables an agreeable smokey flavor.
Grill eggplants whole without
peeling them by holding over a flame and turning slowly,
or prick skin in
several places and set in hot oven. When the skin
begins to break and the
pulp feels soft, slip off the skin and scoop the
pulp into a saucepan. Mix lemon juice with pulp
and simmer until very
soft, stirring often
(10-15 minutes). Meanwhile, melt butter, add flour to it and
allow flour to brown. Beat the butter and flour mixture
into the eggplant. Slowly add several tablespoons
of hot milk and
continue beating until mixture resembles mashed potatoes.
Lastly add several tablespoons of grated Parmesan
or Cheddar cheese
and cook several minutes more. Serve immediately.
The Darweesh Rosary
Authentic Award-winning Lebanese Recipe
2 cups cubed meat
1/2 cup samneh (or other shortening)
1 cup batinjaan, cubed {eggplant)
1 cup potatoes, cubed
1 cup marrow squash, sliced
1 cup onions, chopped
5 medium sized tomatoes, chopped
1 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. pepper
This is one of the old Lebanese dishes which used
to be prepared at home and sent to the town oven for baking.
today when most people have ovens in their own kitchens
there is a preference for the flavor achieved in this dish
by baking it
in the larger, hotter commercial oven. One often
sees a small boy making his way carefully along the village
street balancing the
round tinned copper tray of Masbaht el Darweesh on
his head.
Heat samneh well and
fry onions in it until they are yellow. Add chopped meat and
vegetables, salt
and pepper. Add water
to cover. Pour into shallow baking pan. Bake in
moderate oven until tender throughout, stirring
several times during the
baking. If
vegetables and meat are done before the sauce is
absorbed, remove to top of stove and simmer uncovered until
sauce is practically gone. Salt to taste. Serve hot. Approximately
six servings.
Many of the truffles consumed in the Arab world are
found in the Syrian desert near the ancient site of Palmyra.
Legend claims that the wild storms of the desert, particularly
the thunder and lightening of the Palmyra discrict, account for
the presence in quantity of this delicacy. Two kinds of truffles
are marketed, the black and the white. The dark kama are considered
the best.
Kama are usually full of
sand and must be diligently cleaned. First soak
in cold water for two hours.
Then scrub with a hard bristled brush, rinse,
and remove the thin layer of outside
peeling with a sharp knife. Go over them carefully,
prying out any sand remaining in the cracks
with the tip of a knife. Wash
in several waters. Now the truffles are ready for
See below for two recipes.
Truffles Stew
2 cups cubed meat
2 cups cubed Kama (truffles)
1/2 cup minced onions
1 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. pepper
1 tsp. flour
2 tsp. lemon juice
2 cups water
Fry meat in samneh until browned. Add onions and cook
until yellow. Add kama, water, salt and pepper. Cook under pressure for 20
minutes. Open cooker. If kama are not entirely tender, simmer until they
are done. Thicken sauce with flour mixed with a little water. Add lemon juice.
Serve hot with rice.
Broiled Truffles
Clean truffles well and prepare for cooking. Cut into one-inch cubes. Rub
well with salt and pepper. Marinate in equal parts of olive oil and lemon
juice for two hours. Thread onto skewers and broil over charcoal or in a
very hot oven.

More Authentic Lebanese Recipes - several pages. Click here for
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Pg 16 |
you to everyone who contributed recipes and photos in the past
years to help us share Lebanon's
beauty with the world and to help
perpetuate the Lebanese culture
across the globe.
Thank you especially to Aunt Maheeba's friend (sorry I forgot her name) who was originally from Saghbine (Lebanon) but who lived in Brooklyn and gave
me many of these authentic recipes
that she had saved from the old
country. She shared them with
all the young Lebanese wives
who grew up here in the United
States and did not have access
to authnetic Lebanese recipes
or training in Lebanese cooking
"the right way". May she rest in peace.
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